Sunday, November 25, 2007

POPCAST E03, Stalls pt. I

On this fantastic PopCast, I disscuss the art of stalling. Stalls are one of yo-yoing's newer moves and involves stalling the yo-yo as it returns back to your hand.

In this episode I give the talented Josheph Harris a two handed stall challenge and one week to see what he can come up with it.

My special co-host this week is the infamous Boxthor. Unfortunately, this episode had to be slightly edited due to the length of Joseph's segment.


Friday, November 23, 2007 SALE

Happy holidays, kids.

It's Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, and if you are anything like me you'll be avoiding the stores for the rest of the year and doing your shopping online instead.
If you are looking for unique handmade gifts this year, check out my online shop

I make iPhone cases, wallets & wallet chains, and coffee cozies out of re-cycled materials. I'm especially fond of using durable upholstery and scraps from awesome selvage jeans like Samurai, Imperial, Nudie, Evisu, Sugarcane, Iron Heart, Skull, and some of Levi's better stuff.

Now for the SALE!

This weekend I'm adding some special new items to my shop, including wallets and wallet chains made from vintage neckties and selvage denim. I'm also including free shipping (within the US) from now until Monday evening (11/26 @11pm pacific time).

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Subscribe in a reader

In this episode, Doc waxes on Pringle's Prints, the writer's strike, Houdini Drops, and the Gondola.

Filmed 11/13/07


Sunday, November 11, 2007

POPCAST, episode 1.

Welcome to the first episode of Doctor Popular's yo-yo video blog.

This episode runs a bit long, but that's because Doc is used to doing 45 minute audiocasts, so six minutes really isn't that bad.

Topics include John Higby's painted yo-yos, back of the hand stalls, YoYoNation's vlog, and a new freehand flourish called "loom".


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Master of Self Promotions

Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click To Play

I've finally gotten around to uploading the entire yo-yo segment from Master Of Champions. It was a huge file and took some work, but I've uploaded it to and a few other online video places.

I've also taken the liberty of uploading the entire Master Of Champions show and just the edited Doc Pop interview. You can download them here.

Full Master of Champions 784 megs (the best quality I have)
Yo-yo Segment 24 megs
Doc Pop Interview 13 megs

iPhone ready
Full Master of Champions 308 megs
Yo-yo Segment 86 megs

Full Master of Champions 353 megs
Yo-yo Segment 99 megs

If anyone feels like creating a torrent of the Full quicktime file, let me know and I'll host the link here.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Today I'm featured on Veronica Belmont's cool Mahalo Daily video-cast, so I wanted to say hi to any new readers that may be surfing this site.

I was going to link to a couple videos or whatever, but it looks like already has a good list of my yo-yo related article on their "Doc Popular" entry. For those who would like links to my craft site, personal blog, or even Twitter info, you can find all that stuff on

I've found it interesting that even though I refer to myself as Doctor Popular or Doc Pop, I often get referred to as Doctor Pop or Doc Popular in the media. It first started happening on that ABC show I was on last year and it really drove me nuts. Hearing Oksana Baiul repeatedly butcher your name would give you nightmares.

Oh, and speaking of Master Of Champions, I'm currently encoding the entire episode we were on and some of the individual segments for the web. Check back in the next few days to see those.