Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going to MoYo, Bringing 25 Blue Bolts With Me

I'm so stoked about going to MoYo States this weekend in St. Louis! I was hoping to have finished by then, but I'm going to have to wait until after the weekend. I have been getting a lot of emails about Blue Bolts, so I have decided to bring 25 Blue Bolts with me to sell at Missouri States.

These limited edition Bolts will be siliconed and bearing-cleaned for non-responsive play. There are less than 100 of them, and sell for $30. The rest of the Blue Bolts will go for sale once the site is finished.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Are you read-ay to Partay?!

Tonight I'll be on Jonny's Partay, a live video chat show staring Jonny Goldstien. I'm really looking forward to this and I hope some of ya'll can catch it.

"Join us this Weds, April 9, 9PM EST, as DocPop (AKA Doctor Popular AKA Drown Radio) is drops his new nerdcore album Me Geek Pretty One Day on Jonny’s Par-tay. Tracks like “LolCats” and “Gygax” will send you into a spiral of geekgastic ecstasy…

So come Par-tay with us! Here’s the details:

What: A live online interactive video free for all with Doc Pop, hosted by Jonny Goldstein, and served up with flavor by Scott Stead.
When: 9-10 PM EST, Weds, April 9
Why: This is your chance to par-tay with nerdcore star, world third ranked yoyoist, fashion icon, comic book artist DocPop. Need I say more?"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Blue Bolts

I've been waiting to post these special edition Blue Bolts until the shop on my new site is up, but since everyone keeps asking (and I'm not sure when the new site will be finished) I've posted ten Blue Bolts on my Etsy page.

You can see them here.

They are bind return only. Limit of two per customer. Good times.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Spotlighted and Whitey Day preperations

This morning, I discovered that PopCast is one of the videos featured in YouTube's "Spotlight" section (on the top of most YouTube search pages). I'm getting a lot of video views, comments, and positive ratings which is all very appreciated.

Although it does motivate me to want to work on the next PopCast episode, two things are preventing me from doing so at the moment; I'm way too busy with other big projects, my computer is too full to work on anything at the moment.

Still, I do hope to have somethings to show you guys soon.

BTW, March 10th is Whitey Day (Doc Pop's birfday). Dia do Branquelo. If any local yo-yo clubs are doing something special for this great event, let me know asap! I'm planning on relaunching with a new store and other stuff for Whitey Day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

XXXXL's "Green Tea Edition" by Werrd

While on a recent trip to the U.S., Stu (from Australia's Werrd Yo-Yos) flew into the Bay Area to hang out with some of the local yo-yoers. He was a real swell guy, who carried a big metal box of yo-yos everywhere he went. I had previously played with the Two Fat Ladies "Groovy Edition", a beefcaked aluminum yo-yo that I really enjoyed, so it was great to see what else Werrd had to offer.

I'm a big fan of Werrd's newest yo-yo, the QuadrupleExtraLarge (or XXXXL... or 4XL). Like the TFL, the XXXXL is an aluminum yo-yo with a beefcaked bearing set up, but it also has bearings on the sides of the yo-yo for hubstacks (similar to YoYoFactory's set up). The name, XXXXL, comes from the number of bearings it uses (4).

I had been waiting a long time for a good hubstacked yo-yo, but never found one that I liked until the XXXXL. Although it played well with it's original hubstacks, I switched mine out with a pair of YoYoFactory Z Stacks (custom painted by John Higby). The wider surface area of the Z-Stacks make the yo-yo much easier to grab, but it does also add a noticeable difference of additional friction to the yo-yos spin. Every time you grab the discs, then let go, it takes energy to get them to start spinning again. I can really feel the difference in spin between my TFL and my XXXXL with Z Stacks. I'm wondering if 888's suffer the same hubstack drag effect as the XXXXL does.

Like I said, I had been waiting for a while for a hubstack yo-yo that I liked, and now that I have one, I think it's going to be my carry around yo-yo for a while.

One other note, although the XXXXL is available at most online stores, the one pictured here features a special finish called "GreenTea". From Stu;

"They come in two finishes - Naked (raw billet) and
DeLorean (Satin) but the one you received from me is
called GreenT or GreenTea. It is a special coating or
finish done to the yoyo using little green triangle -
I kid you not - little green triangles. The one you
have takes about 24hours in the GreenTea machine."

Saturday, February 23, 2008


This morning I was surfing some international yo-yo blogs when I stumbled upon this video I made with Alexander Maness from Current TV.

Alex came to Chico last year and followed me around as I told him about our humble hobbie. I hadn't heard anything since the trip, so I just figured the whole documentary got trashed. Needless to say, I'm delighted to see that it did get finished and I think it looks great.

Speaking of blogs, my new friend Cate Corbitt recently posted a picture (shown below) from yesterday's photo-shoot on her blog, The shoot was an potpourri mix of music publicity shots (for my band Drown Radio), product shots (for my new craft line), and a few yo-yo shots for Cate's blog. documents a portion of the Bay Area's eclectic individuals.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Yo-yo meetup in SF Sunday the 10th

Sorry for the late posting, but there is a big yo-yo meet up here in the Bay Area tomorrow. So if you aren't doing anything else, why not come by and yo-yo with us. Here is the info from Kiya:

Looks like the weather is going to be great on Sunday..

The next Team COY meeting will be a multiple team meeting at Golden Gate
park THIS Sunday February 10th.
The meet will take place in the bandshell area next to the De Young Museum.
Here's a map of the park for those that haven't been to Golden Gate park
It's the area labeled as "Music Concourse" next to the De Young.

There's also a little contest being run by the guys from the 2YO SF club
starts at 10am.
I'll be there at noon.
This will only take place if it's NOT raining.
So if it's pouring rain out, consider this event cancelled.
See ya on the 10th!

Golden Gate Park
Bandshell Area.
Look for flying yoyos.
February 10th, Sunday.

Bring drinks, yoyos, beers, foods, and hula hoops.

If you show up and can't find us call me: (650) 245-2859
