Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going to MoYo, Bringing 25 Blue Bolts With Me

I'm so stoked about going to MoYo States this weekend in St. Louis! I was hoping to have finished by then, but I'm going to have to wait until after the weekend. I have been getting a lot of emails about Blue Bolts, so I have decided to bring 25 Blue Bolts with me to sell at Missouri States.

These limited edition Bolts will be siliconed and bearing-cleaned for non-responsive play. There are less than 100 of them, and sell for $30. The rest of the Blue Bolts will go for sale once the site is finished.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Are you read-ay to Partay?!

Tonight I'll be on Jonny's Partay, a live video chat show staring Jonny Goldstien. I'm really looking forward to this and I hope some of ya'll can catch it.

"Join us this Weds, April 9, 9PM EST, as DocPop (AKA Doctor Popular AKA Drown Radio) is drops his new nerdcore album Me Geek Pretty One Day on Jonny’s Par-tay. Tracks like “LolCats” and “Gygax” will send you into a spiral of geekgastic ecstasy…

So come Par-tay with us! Here’s the details:

What: A live online interactive video free for all with Doc Pop, hosted by Jonny Goldstein, and served up with flavor by Scott Stead.
When: 9-10 PM EST, Weds, April 9
Why: This is your chance to par-tay with nerdcore star, world third ranked yoyoist, fashion icon, comic book artist DocPop. Need I say more?"