Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Stay in touch with an RSS feed

Today is the last day of the 28 Days of Yo blogging project, but that obviously doesn't mean it will be the last thing I ever post so if you'd like to keep up to date on my blogging, I suggest you subscribe to the RSS feed.

An RSS feed is a way to see whenever a site use has updated or not. In order to use the feed though you'll need an RSS aggregator. I use Newsgator, it works similar to web based email but for keeping track of sites. To get started with a subscription, just sign in to your RSS aggregator, then go to add feeds and add this url:

RSS really simplifies my web surfing and it's becoming a standard tool on most sites. In fact many blog and web 2.0 sites have automatic RSS generators that the site owners might not even know about. Many sites feature RSS "subscribe now" buttons that you simply have to click to add to your aggregator. Here are a few more feed urls to add.

You can even use RSS feeds to maintain a search on services like eBay, Craigslist, and Amazon. For example:

Of course if you are using Firefox you can subscribe to a live bookmark feed too, but I don't thing live bookmarks are nearly as usefull as a web based aggregator.

Blah blah blah, hey just think... if you subscribe to my feed... you'll be notified every time I write on my blog... about getting you to subscribe to my feed... so that you can be notified... every time I write about subscribing to my blog. It keeps going on and on my friends.

If you know any other rss feed urls, post 'em below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just had a question as to what RSS reader you use? I use, and i really like them. There layout is very clean and they have a lot of nice features that make it easy to keep track of all your blogs.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Doc Pop said...

9:21 PM  

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